“This work is simply extraordinary and transformative.
We released blocks and negative patterns in our marriage that we had held for years! A single session is what would take at least 20 sessions in other relationship therapies.”

Alysia Reiner ~ actor: Orange Is the New Black, Equity
David Alan Basche ~ actor: Blue Bloods, Elementary, The Exes

A new way of relating
that will make your relationship
more passionate and alive

If you are like most people, no one taught you how to have a healthy relationship.

When we are growing up, we don't learn empowering communication—how to really hear another person and validate his or her feelings without negating our own, to create equality instead of power struggles, or to resolve differences in a way that creates greater understanding and connection.

Without these tools, it is easy for misunderstandings and hurt feelings to happen in even the most loving relationships.

Since each person has his or her expectations, needs, and communication patterns, even the best of intentions can be misunderstood, and ingrained beliefs triggered. Suddenly, a close partnership may be filled with hurt feelings, blame, and distance.



"I’m at a loss for words that properly express the experience of the rebirth of my marriage or the sacred role that these two rocking human beings played in facilitating that possibility.”

Juliana Mitchell
Living Now Yoga

This couple got engaged shortly after taking our Relationship Retreat.

This couple got engaged shortly after taking our Relationship Retreat.

With our transformative Relationship Coaching, you and your partner will learn new, effective, and caring ways to communicate. You will discover unhealthy patterns that you modeled from your families and other relationships, how these patterns influence your actions and choices today, and (most importantly!) how to change these patterns into new, healthy behaviors.

Every relationship is different, because each person brings his or her own history, patterns, beliefs, and needs. You and your partner will discover how to love the unique person you are with.

Relationship Coaching includes:

  • A safe, empowering space where both of you can share your feelings and needs.

  • Effective ways to quickly resolve arguments--and prevent them from even happening.

  • Practical techniques to create and maintain healthy boundaries.

  • How to manifest your individual goals while also taking care of each other.

  • Tools to stop having "I'm right and you are wrong" power-struggles, and instead make decisions that take care of both of you.

  • Easy ways to have your partnership become more loving, passionate, and fun.

"We have experienced amazing shifts in our relationship. Our differences unraveled, we discovered profound new levels of emotional connection and excitement, and we have a new set of tools and processes that help us gracefully handle any issues that come up in our lives."
Eric Wald ~ screenwriter


Relationship Coaching is available several ways:

- Private couples sessions. We work with clients around the world (95% of our sessions are on the phone or Zoom).

- Retreats for one couple.

- Group retreats.

To schedule a session or a retreat:

Call us at 1-310-663-1014 or send us an email.

“Jana and Miranda's unique, loving, and mindful methods show immediate and amazing results. My husband and I learned how to consistently identify and alter fear-based reactions, handle them in the moment, and change them into choices of love and effective communication. Not a day goes by when I don't use the skills they have taught me."
Kim Rhodes
actor ~ Supernatural, Colony, Suite Life of Zack and Cody